Whitlawburn Pharmacy Update

Date Posted: November 10, 2011

Pharmacist David Dryden has told us that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have confirmed receipt of the application to open a pharmacy in Whitlawburn and are currently processing it. He added that he doesn’t expect to hear anything back from the Health Board until next year but hopes that they will schedule a hearing at the earliest possible opportunity.

David also said the response from the public during the period of consultation was excellent, with many residents taking the opportunity to express their view on the requirement for a pharmacy in Whitlawburn. “The insight and local knowledge that this has provided will be of great value to us in preparing our case and will help the Board in reaching an informed decision.

 “We would like to thank West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative and the residents of Whitlawburn for the support they have shown and can guarantee that we will continue to work hard to bring a modern community pharmacy to Whitlawburn.”

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