Rents 2017/2018

Date Posted: March 2, 2017

Following an extensive consultation exercise with all our tenants/members the West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative (WWHC) Management Committee, all of whom are tenant/members themselves, considered the rent position for 2017/18 at its meeting of 27th February 2017 and decided that a 2% rent increase was a prudent and required course of action to meet the financial requirement of WWHC for this year. This decision was taken in the light of CPI inflation running currently at 1.6% and RPI inflation currently running at 2.5% in the UK.

The Co-operative’s philosophy to rent charges is to ensure we are providing the highest possible quality of services to our tenant/members at a rent which is reasonable, comparable and affordable. The Committee considered the rent rises of many similar housing organisations and the WWHC increase is lower or similar to most of those other organisations.

The Committee fully appreciates the financial difficulties some tenants/members are currently experiencing, caused by austerity, macro economic recessions and welfare benefit reform.

If you are experiencing any difficulty in meeting your rent payments, please contact your Housing Officer immediately who will be sympathetic and will endeavour to help you in any way possible.

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