More Compliments than Complaints

Date Posted: November 29, 2018

West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative is delighted that the number of formal compliments The Co-operative has received from tenant/members this year has far outstripped the number of formal complaints it has received, by a ratio of almost 3:1.

Paul Farrell, Director of WWHC, explained “This year, along with measuring and recording the number and type of formal policy or service complaints WWHC receives, we thought it would also be a good idea to start to measure and record formal compliments we received from tenants and members over the same period.”

“We were always confident that our service levels were very high and well received by tenants, in fact James Kelly MSP recently described us as ‘The Gold Standard of Housing Service’ in the Scottish Parliament, but to realise we get almost 3 times as many compliments as we do complaints, is truly remarkable.”

Anne Anderson, Chairperson of the Co-operative, said “These findings really are tremendous and they give a great boost to our hard working committee and staff. There cannot be many Public Service Organisations who receive more formal compliments than complaints. We continue to strive to provide the best possible services for our tenant/members and it is great that our efforts are so appreciated.”

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