East Whitlawburn Regeneration News Update

Date Posted: January 14, 2019

Following on from the article in our Winter newsletter edition confirming the regeneration plans for East Whitlawburn, South Lanarkshire Council has now confirmed the following:

  • Phase 1 of the demolition process includes all properties at Rona Terrace, Maxton Terrace, Aron Terrace and some properties at Morven Road.
  • A large number of East Whitlawburn tenants and residents have indicated that they wish to stay in Whitlawburn, therefore the council are progressing moving tenants from January 2019 to properties that are currently empty outwith the phase 1 demolition area.
  • The Co-operative is assisting the council with temporarily relocating some tenants to West Whitlawburn.
  • WWHC is likely to acquire 60 additional properties.

There will be a Public Consultation Event on:

Wednesday 16th January 2019 in the
Community Hall at Morven Road, from 2.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.

  • All tenants and residents of Whitlawburn are invited to attend
  • It is a drop-in event where the masterplan for the area will be available to view and South Lanarkshire Council and West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative staff will be on hand to answer any questions.

We will keep all our tenant/members informed as the regeneration progresses.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact South Lanarkshire Council Strategy and Support Team on 01698 454758 or email housing.strategy@southlanarkshire.gov.uk or contact Jeanette or Kirstie at our office.

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