Recruitment – Tenant Advisors

Date Posted: January 17, 2022

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) is recruiting Tenant Advisors. This is an exciting opportunity for tenants of social landlords to inform the Regulator’s work and bring a tenant perspective to its scrutiny of landlords’ services.

The SHR is the independent regulator of registered socials landlords (RSLs) and local authority housing services in Scotland, working to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants, people who are homeless, and others who use social housing services.

The SHR will appoint 12 independent volunteer Tenant Advisors. It is inviting applications from tenants of RSLs and local authorities across Scotland.

Individuals from all walks of life are encouraged to apply for this voluntary position and be instrumental in informing the future of social housing services in Scotland.

Experts in housing, community development, and engagement practice, the Tenants Information Service (TIS), will work in partnership and support the Regulator in our recruitment of Tenant Advisors.

If this voluntary position interests you and you would like to be considered for selection as a Tenant Advisor, please visit: or to download an information pack and application form. For further information, email or call 0141 248 1242.

Reasonable expenses will be covered to make participation in your role as Tenant Advisor as convenient as possible.

The closing date for applications is 10:00am on Monday 14th February 2022, and appointments will commence on Friday 1st April 2022 for a term of 3-years.

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