Scottish Housing Regulator National Panel: Add Your Voice

Date Posted: January 25, 2019

Would you like to help improve social landlord services in Scotland? The National
Panel is one of the ways that the Scottish Housing Regulator can hear what people
think and make sure they focus on the important things.

Panel members are asked for their views on a range of issues affecting people who use social landlord services. You will receive occasional surveys, information updates and invites to take part in other feedback exercises. Participation is always optional, and you can leave at any time.

The Regulator wants to include as many different voices on the Panel as possible, including people who are not involved in other ways of giving views on landlord services (most members are not part of local tenant forums). Members include Council and Housing Association tenants, people who are using or have used homeless services, home  owners who receive factoring or common repairs from a social landlord, and people living in social rented Gypsy/Traveller sites.

Find out more and join…
Online at
Call Engage Scotland (who manage the Panel) on 0800 433 7212
Request a printed form by email or call 0800 433 7212

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