Rechargeable Repairs Policy Consultation 2024/25

Date Posted: June 24, 2024

We are currently reviewing our rechargeable repairs policy and, in line with our Communications Strategy and Tenant Participation Policy, we invite you to share your views as a tenant (including lock-up tenants) or prospective tenant. The consultation is optional.

Background to the Policy

As a Registered Social Landlord (RSL), we are responsible for ensuring our properties are kept in a well-maintained condition and all repairs are carried out in line with our Maintenance Policy. In cases where the repair is a result of neglect or misuse by the tenant or a member of the tenant’s household, repairs carried out by us may be re-charged to the tenant.

Legislation and Regulatory Standards

WWHC have legal, regulatory and contractual duties as a social landlord, which include maximising income. We will therefore collect rechargeable repair costs from tenants and former tenants to provide a fair and affordable service for all.

Section 5 of the Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement sets out repairs and maintenance responsibilities for the Co-operative and for the tenant.

Our Rechargeable Repairs Procedure

When a tenant, or someone on the tenants behalf, contacts WWHC to request a repair, Property Services staff will determine if the repair is rechargeable. The tenant is informed of this during the contact and further advised that charges may apply for a specific repair. The tenant is able to accept or decline the work (except in emergencies).

In cases of emergencies, WWHC will always carry out the repair and recharge the tenant at a later date.

Who does this policy affect?

This policy affects all of our tenants (including lock-up tenants) and prospective tenants.

What have we done so far to review this policy?

The review compares our current policy to legislation, sector guidance, best practice and to other RSL’s policies to ensure a comprehensive and consistent approach.

What are the main changes to the policy?

The main changes to the policy are as follows:

  • We propose that where the value of the rechargeable repair is £150 or less (including VAT) it will be written off
  • The recovery procedure has been amended to reflect good practice

Taking part in the consultation and completing the survey

We welcome all of our tenants’ and prospective tenants’ views on this consultation. We recognise that tenant participation is one of the fundamental values to the Co-operative and encourage a wide range of methods to participate.

To take part, we recommend that you read this consultation in full and the policies linked below. Once you have considered the proposal please respond to the consultation using the link below (Our current tenants will have a link sent to them directly – you can respond using this method too).

If you have any questions regarding the policy or consultation please contact Nicola Carrigan, Head of Housing Services, by one of the following methods:

Telephone: 0141 641 8628


In-person: Call into our office so that Nicola can assist you.

Link to complete the consultation survey:

The consultation will take place between 24th June 2024 and 15th July 2024. After this date the link above will close, the data will be reviewed and a final report will be presented to the Management Committee at the end of July 2024. We will publish the outcome of the consultation as soon as possible after this date.

We will provide this consultation on request at no cost, in larger print, in Braille, in audio or other non-written format, and in a variety of languages. Please contact us.

Have a Question?

Our team is on hand to answer any questions you have.

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