Combustible Items on Landings Policy

Date Posted: June 26, 2018

West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative, like many other landlords, has been conducting a comprehensive fire safety review following the terrible tragedy at Grenfell Tower in London last year. Our aim is to do everything possible to ensure fire risk is minimised to all our tenants/members, their families, their guests and visitors, anyone working on our property, including of course WWHC staff and staff of the emergency services.

Over the past year we have looked in the minutest detail at all matters, technical, operational, and our communications to ensure we are continuing to work in a positive way that places your safety at the top of the agenda.

One particular area WWHC staff, Scotland’s Fire and Rescue staff, and the WWHC Management Committee have been paying considerable attention to recently is combustible items on landings. That is anything left out in the landings or common areas which could burn in the event of a fire. Obviously anything that could contribute to a fire starting or spreading should be avoided.

The Management Committee has recently considered WWHC Policy on the matter and concluded anything left out on landings is potentially a significant fire hazard, and could lead to a risk to tenants, their family, guests and people working in the block.

Given that analysis, the Management Committee, following discussions with Scottish Fire and Rescue, has concluded that no items of a combustible nature should be left on the landing or common areas.

West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative trust that tenants will see the sense of working together to implement this policy decision to further improve their and their family’s safety against fire.

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